Spirits of the dreaming tree
Spirits of the dreaming tree is a Internal Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht Gamejam game created by 5 students within 2.5 days. This game was programmed and the assets were created in 1 full day as the rest was planning out what we approximately wanted.
The game is broken, unfinished, buggy and should be considered abandoned. This is here to show the remains of the game.
=== CONTROLS ===
- Space : Jump / Double Jump
- Hold Space after double jump: Float
- F : Hand Attack (Because this is a gamejam, attacking doesn't do any damage)
- Horizontal Arrow Keys: Move left / right
- Jump, then hold down: Dive Attack (this does do damage!)
ps: respawning doesn't work when you fall off the level, I'll hopefully update this future. For now you'll have to refresh the page or get F1 to work as input to the game. F1 is a debug key used for our presentation in front of our class to fake the death trigger under the level because we ran out of time and only had 5 minutes left.
=== CREDITS ===
- Jaron Kuijper < AI controller + various other things
- Stan Graafmans < Player controls + various other things
- Silvan konings < Gui + Monsters
- Chitra < Player
- Renee Vianen < All 3D assets + texturing
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